Tuesday, September 15, 2009

What Humans Are We?

What humans are we?
Are we the perfect picture of humanity?What did God tell us?
To hate each other?
What does humanity tell us?
To take the dignity of one another?
Is the life
Everyone is living, the righteous life?
Is the life
That we have today, the life we want to live?
Is this the fair life that we want to have?
Is this the life that we want our children to have?
Why we always fight with each other?What we always kill each other?
Do you kill your brother who lives in the same country?
Aren’t we all brothers in humanity?
Why don’t we stop war in its every piece
And replace it by world peace
And make this world a better place to live in
Where we and our children can live in
We equally live in this world
And communicate with each other from different places around the world
And let us fill this world with joy and love
Just as God told us from above

In 14-7-2008
Antoun Boustani

Monday, August 31, 2009

The Unforgettable Dream

Special was the day on which you were born
Since a great leader on that day was born
A person who didn’t like many things that took place
And wanted his country to be a better place
As you grew up, your character was growing strong
And you wanted to change everything that was going wrong
You wanted everything to go right
And you wanted the truth to shine out bright
That made people love you more and more
As you were growing older than before
You went deeper into the political life
And that had totally changed your life
From leading a squad in your family's political party
Into creating the only armed christian political party
The love of the people was the thing you always got
And your dream was the thing you never forgot
All the people were happy especially who supported your movement
When they heard the news that your were elected president
They all thought that the dream was going to be true
But they didn’t know what Lebanon would be passing through
And suddenly Lebanon lost the dream
And every person wanted to cry and scream
They all thought that the dream ended
By your death because the dream by you was founded
But the dream didn’t die
And into unknown it didn’t fly
And they were totally wrong
Since the dream kept on getting strong
Even though everything it passed through
There will be a day in which the dream will come true
Since every Lebanese youthful person
Will always love our country Lebanon
At the end, we promise you that your dream will never die
And we will always pass it by
Because from us every person
Wants to live in your country Lebanon

In 17-9-2008
Antoun Boustani

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

A Great Hero

From Rmeich a great leader was born
And in your blood, the love of your country was thrown
To the Lebanese army your life you gave
And your aim was your country you always wanted to save
Your life in the army wasn’t calm
And in some places you couldn’t rest your palm
You worked so hard to make your name
And your life didn’t stay the same
You decided to change your life
When you chose your wife
And you created your own family
And raised up your three children perfectly
But your family didn’t change the way of your life
Nor altered in the events in your army life
In wars you participated
And according to your conscience you reacted
You brought victory to the army many times
And you didn’t commit war crimes
And your name kept on growing in the Lebanese army
Because of your hard work and success that brought victory
2007 came
And fateh el islam played their game
Trying to defeat the Lebanese army
So that they can be a powerful political party
But you led the Lebanese part
And set plans to overcome the Palestinian part
Your teams had no fear
And you set the goal for them so clear
And that war had some specialty
But you led the army to a wonderful victory
And the south was set free and pride filled the sky
And due to that victory your name rose up so high
But some people were scared of you
And didn’t know what they can do
They decided to remove you
And that would be through assassinating you
On 12/12/2007, an explosion took place
And smoke filled up the space
But sadness was wore on
Since you were assassinated while the sun was turning on
On that day, your children lost their father
While Lebanon lost a great leader
A great hero died
And the Lebanese people cried
During your life, you fought bravely to keep Lebanon in peace
At last may God rest you in peace
In 23-11-2008
Antoun Boustani

Thursday, August 20, 2009


Everyday we meet many faces
And some of them leave in us traces
We get to know them more
And friends we become with them all
In us some of them
Leave special mark
And make us discover in them
The side which is dark
With some of them
We become best friends
And with the rest of them
We just stay ordinary friends
Those best friends enter our heart
And we never think of putting our friendship apart
And then troubles cam
And fights would have a special aim
Either to put our friendship apart
Or tighten us more and we be in each others heart
Best friends are always there for us
And try to ease our hard times
And they always try to help us
And make us have better times
They change us in a special way
Removing our bad qualities away
They help us to be
The best we can
Leaving us free
To choose if we want to be that man
But sometimes love grow more than friends
And they try to be more than best friends
Either they succeed and live in love
Or they are separated apart with no love
Well let me tell you, these people are totally wrong
Because true friendships keep on getting very strong
These friendships will never end
Because these friendships have no end
These friendships don’t have special time
Because they last till the end of time
Friends are treasure
That God give us
So that we won’t be alone for sure
They will be always with us
Friends are God’s gifts
And we can’t ever have more precious gifts
At last, thank You God for all my friends
And I thank you all for being my friends

In 17-2-2008
Antoun Boustani

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Eyes

In our lives, they play an important role
And they affect us in whole
They affect our outer beauty
And they make us enjoy the nature’s beauty
Without them our vision is darker
And our life would be so much harder
They help us a lot
And we always put them to test
Because we need them a lot
And they don’t get enough rest
They are our eyes
That our life glorifies
They are our two stars
That God chose for us from among the other stars
To design our face
And increase the beauty of our face
They have many different colors
That are chosen from the natural colors
Colors increase our eyes beauty
And they gain a person’s sensitivity
Sometimes they are the secret of our beauty
And God has given us those two stars to give us this special beauty
They are the first thing that gains a person’s attention
And of the person’s personality they are a reflection
They attract people to us
And give special look to people who hate us
They have deep secrets in them
Those secrets that are not revealed by them
When we stare at them
We dive deep in
Trying to see in them
Those secrets that are hidden deep in
Sometimes they tell
Things that we cant easily say
Because in a critical case we fell
And no one knows what to say
They would be our messenger
And our message would be no more clearer
They are the most wonderful thing that happened to us in life
And we always appreciate them in our life
Our eyes are our special gift from God
So for our eyes we should all thank our Loving God

In 13-4-2008

By: Antoun Boustani